Odour and Infection

What causes Odour and Infection in our Carpets and Upholstery?
If you have ever suffered from a blocked nose, hay fever, eczema, itchy/watery eyes, wheezy chest, and sneezing or sinus symptoms it is well know that humans spend a large proportion of their life in bed equivalent to approximately around a third of a life time. During this time the mattress, just like carpets and upholstery, becomes a haven for a mass of dead skin, bacteria, dirt and dust mites. Dust mites thrive on warmth, humidity and dead skin. Studies have documented regular cleaning and treatment of mattresses as well as carpets and upholstery can give relief to allergy sufferers young and mature.
A frequent deep clean of your upholstery will ensure longer life of your favourite furniture and ensure that they are free from troublesome paw marks, unsightly stains, spots and odours, such as common tobacco smoke, fungus and urine. We use a variety of products that can eliminate urine and faecal odours as well as other odours from your furniture. Solutions containing natural enzymes will break down the source of the odour. Odours should be eliminated when they first occur, as the longer the source of the odour remain on a surface the harder it will be to remove. Waiting too long requires professional cleaning services to remove these offensive odours.
What causes Odour and Infection in our Carpets and Upholstery?
Ozone treatment can help with dust and mould and can help with insect infestations.
Carpet Doctors steam cleans mattresses, carpets and upholstery using an allergy control treatment that helps to eradicate dust mites, germs, fungal and other undesirable debris and bodily fluids.
Carpet Doctors Cleaning Services include: Mattresses (Single/Double), Sofas, Recliners, Stuffed Chairs, Dining Room Chairs, Ottomans, Car and Van or Caravan interiors.
We also treat and eliminate Dust Mites, Odours and Insect Control, however we cannot guarantee that flea cycle will be completely broken.
What our customers say....
Professional Services
Fully insured Carpet Doctors provide an all in friendly, honest, ethical, and caring client centred service in a professional manner.
We look forward to working with you in the future.
Carpet Doctors Cleaning
- Interior / Exterior
- Eco-Friendly / Allergy Control
- Private / Commercial
- Emergency 24/7 Cleaning